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Understanding issues that may arise – supporters’ top tips

The idea of having a urinary diversion can be a bit daunting. To complement our information page, supporters have kindly drawn on their own experiences to develop the following top tips:

If you’ve any top tips of your own, do let us know and we can share them here with other urostomates.

Before going into hospital:

  • “Before you go into hospital, give some thought to the clothing you will feel comfortable wearing after your surgery. Loose fitting clothes with elasticated waists are ideal.”
  • “Think about the practical things you will need when you get home, such as mattress protectors, good lighting in the bathroom for bag changes, suitable space in easy reach for the equipment you will need and so on.”

After your surgery:

  • “Warm your flange against your body before applying, as this can help flexibility.”
  • “After fitting a new bag, if you’re using a two-piece system, give the pouch a
    ‘yank’ to ensure it is clipped onto the flange securely.”
  • “Urostomy pouches with a bendy/fold-up tap can occasionally be hard to
    open and close. If you have this difficulty, rub a small amount of Vaseline
    around the bung to solve the problem.”
  • “When using paste, or similar products, wet your finger to avoid it sticking
    during application.”
  • “Sore places around your stoma can be healed with many different products
    available on prescription. If problems persist, see your stoma nurse.”
  • “Accidents can happen. To remove urine odour from carpets, beds or furniture after a leak, use either bicarbonate of soda, or one of a range of deodorising products, available from supermarkets and pet shops.”
  • “A range of mattress protectors are available from most medical equipment shops, department stores and larger chemists.” (You may also want to check out our Directory of Suppliers.)

A huge thank you to supporters for contributing these suggestions. These ideas are representative of each person’s experiences, and are unique and individual to them. Please note that inclusion in this list does not constitute recommendation by the Urostomy Association. Please remember to ask your own stoma specialist if you have any questions or concerns about your own urinary diversion.