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Make a regular donation

Whether you’re considering, or living with a urinary diversion, it is essential that there is somewhere trusted you can turn to for support and advice. We provide that at the Urostomy Association. But we can only do so with kind donations.

Regular donations are the bedrock of funding that allow us to flexibly and effectively plan and deliver our support programmes.

With your kindness, we can run our helpline and keep people informed and supported through our regular magazine, e-newsletters, group meetings, social media and fact sheets. You can also help grow the services people receive, including ‘meet the expert’ webinars, online support groups, video stories and so much more.

Your support matters. By giving regularly, you can help a urostomate grow their confidence so life can feel more like normal again.

You can set up a regular donation by visiting our ‘donate now’ page, and select ‘monthly’ on the form.

Your support matters and makes a difference.

    This photo is of someone holding a mobile phone. It is the header image on the 'Helpline' page of the Urostomy Association's website
    £5 a month could help ensure that our helpline is there for anxious callers.
    This is a photo of a woman looking at a laptop. It is the header image for the Urostomy Association's page on webinars.
    £10 a month could help fund ‘meet the expert’ webinars enabling urostomates to speak directly to those in the know.
    This photograph is of two women talking. It is the header image for the 'one to one support' page on the Urostomy Association's website
    £50 a month could help ensure that there’s a local buddy available to provide one-to-one support.