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Gifts in wills

A gift in your will has the power to change so many people’s lives. Since the Urostomy Association began in 1971 we’ve supported thousands of people across the UK living with or about to undergo a urinary diversion. Will you leave us a donation in your will so we can be there in the future to help others live a better quality, more confident life?

Leaving a donation in your will, however big or small, is a wonderful way to leave a lasting legacy, and means we can provide this essential practical and emotional support for the years ahead. We can provide vital reassurance and support, bridging the gap between hospital and living life to its fullest.

When you’re thinking about leaving a gift in your will to a cause you care about, there are lots of things to consider. We’ve answered some of the most common questions we receive here, but please feel free to email Samantha or call 01223 910854 if you’d like to talk anything through. We cannot provide legal advice, only informal guidance, so you should speak to a legal advisor too.

Making a will is very important. It is the only way of ensuring that your dependents are provided for in the way you wish after your death. If you die without a will, a court will appoint administrators to deal with the distribution of everything you own.

Leaving a will is important because you can:

  • ensure your family and friends are looked after financially
  • reduce the complexity of administering your estate
  • make sure arrangements for your funeral, and other wishes, will be respected
  • leave a gift to charity, reducing the inheritance tax your family pays
  • name an Executor, someone you trust, to deal with your affairs
  • ensure sentimental items can be distributed according to your wishes
Download our ‘Gifts in wills’ pack

All the reasons for making a will are explored in our Gifts in Wills pack.

The beauty of leaving a gift in your will to charity is that you can make sure your friends and family are taken care of first. After them, you can leave a donation to charity you care about like the Urostomy Association.

It’s easy to put off making your will, thinking it’s too complicated, time consuming or expensive, but it doesn’t need to be!

The Urostomy Association has partnered with highly trusted UK-wide company Octopus Legacy to raise awareness of the importance of end-of-life planning and will writing. They specialise in making these arrangements as straightforward and stress-free as possible, providing their service face-to-face, online or over the telephone.

What’s more, with Octopus Legacy you can create your will free of charge – simply use the code UROSTOMYFREE to qualify. 

You can see more about how Octopus Legacy can help you with your will in this Gifts in Wills pack.

Once you’ve made provision for the family and friends who mean so much to you, we hope you might kindly consider leaving a legacy gift to the Urostomy Association. In doing so, you’ll make a lasting impact on the lives of people who might otherwise struggle without the trusted support we provide for them for as long as they need it.

There are two main types of gift that you can leave to individuals and organisations – a cash gift, and a percentage gift.

A cash gift – this could be a specified sum of money or perhaps a specific item such as a gift of jewellery, stocks or property. Recommended wording:

I give the sum of ………………………… pounds (to be written in words) £ ………………………….. (in figures) to the Trustees of the Urostomy Association (registered charity no: 1131072 in England and Wales / SCO47740 in Scotland), registered address C/O Palmer McCarthy, Suite 70 Capital Business Centre, 22 Carlton Road, South Croydon, CR2 0BS, to apply for the benefit of the Association in such manner as they in their discretion think fit absolutely but not imposing any binding liability on the Trustees in this respect.

A percentage gift – this is a gift of all or part of what is left of your estate after taxes and debts are paid and all your other legacies have been distributed – known as the ‘residue’. Recommended wording:

I give ………………………… % of the residue of my estate to the Trustees of the Urostomy Association (registered charity no: 1131072 in England and Wales / SCO47740 in Scotland), registered address C/O Palmer McCarthy, Suite 70 Capital Business Centre, 22 Carlton Road, South Croydon, CR2 0BS, to apply for the benefit of the Association in such manner as they in their discretion think fit absolutely but not imposing any binding liability on the Trustees in this respect.

We are always delighted to receive cash gifts. However, a percentage gift is by far the most effective way of remembering us in your will because it ensures that the value of your gift is not affected by inflation and you don’t have to change your will if your circumstances change.

Never write on your will, as that would invalidate it. If you are making major changes, you might need to write a new will. If you’re making minor additions, you can use a separate document called a codicil, which must be signed and witnessed in the presence of two independent witnesses. You should store your codicil with your will.

You are under no obligation whatsoever, but if you let us know your intentions we will be able to plan ahead and carry on helping others live a better quality, more confident life. We will also be able to thank you properly and keep you up-to-date with our vital work.

If you’d like to discuss leaving a gift in your will to the Urostomy Association, please email Samantha or call 01223 910854.

  • We understand that your family and loved ones come first
  • We promise to honour your wishes, sensitively and respectfully
  • We will respect your privacy. All enquiries will be kept completely confidential
  • We recognise that leaving a gift in your will is a private decision and that you may need to make it in your own time
  • If you have left us a gift in your will, we’d appreciate if you could tell us – but you don’t have to
  • We will spend your money carefully and cost-effectively
  • We will give you the opportunity to be kept updated about the work we do, made possible thanks to gifts like yours
  • We recognise that you can change our mind at any time in the future

Each gift we receive helps us do more for those who need us, listening when they need to talk, providing them with helpful resources and training more volunteers to give vital one-to-one support.

Guided by our community, we are always improving our services for them, making sure they feel well supported all the way through from diagnosis to surgery, recovery and beyond. There are no time-limits on our support – we are here for as long as each person needs us.