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Leaflets and downloads

You need timely, trusted information when making big decisions about surgery or exploring what life will be like with a urinary diversion. Below you can find a growing library of information sheets to consider, alongside other sources of information and methods of support.

We hope you find answers to your queries or concerns, and feel more reassured and confident as a result. Remember, we’re here for you, as long as you need us.

(Please note that the contact details on our older-style leaflets are incorrect. You can find our current contact details here)

This is the cover of a leaflet entitled 'What is a urostomy?', produced by the Urostomy Association. You can download the leaflet by clicking on the image.
What is a urostomy?
This is the cover of a leaflet entitled 'Understanding issues that may arise with a urostomy', produced by the Urostomy Association. You can download the leaflet by clicking on the image.
Understanding issues that may arise with a urostomy
This image is of the front cover of the Urostomy Association's leaflet entitled 'Travelling with confidence'. It is written for people with a urinary diversion.
Travelling with confidence
This is an image of the Urostomy Association's 'Directory of suppliers' leaflet.
Directory of suppliers
This is a screenshot of the cover image of the Urostomy Association's leaflet entitled 'Men's sexual wellbeing'
Men’s sexual wellbeing
Managing and preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Women’s sexual wellbeing and pregnancy
This is the cover of a leaflet entitled 'Your neobladder questions answered'. It is produced by the Urostomy Association
Your neobladder questions answered
This is the cover of a Urostomy Association leaflet entitled 'Continent Urinary Diversion eg: Mitrofanoff'. The image is a link through which readers can download the whole leaflet
Continent urinary diversion eg: Mitrofanoff