The Urostomy Association’s new website providing information and support for people with – or about to have – a urinary diversion.
We’re delighted our newly revamped website is already attracting lots of positive feedback, so thank you to everyone who’s been getting in touch.
All our information is now more easily accessible, and over coming weeks and months we’ll be making further enhancements, too. Please continue to let us know what you think by contacting us (just click on the email link at the foot of this page). It’s really important our site works well for you, not only in terms of being easy to navigate but as a resource you can trust to bring you the latest helpful news and information to support you on your urostomy journey. If you think something’s missing or could be better, we’d like to hear!
While as a small UK charity with a big remit and limited resources we can’t promise to make lots of changes to the site overnight, we will carefully consider your suggestions and identify where there are common themes regarding enhancements that could be made.
In the meantime, thank you for visiting our site, and our thanks to Paul Faulkner of Headwall Hosting and Sarah Browning of Browning York for working with us on our new, improved web presence.