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Swimming with a urostomy

Living with a urostomy can sometimes present challenges but it shouldn’t prevent you from doing the activities you enjoy. If that includes swimming – great! Your pouching system is water resistant and designed not to leak with the proper seal. Water will not harm or enter your stoma, and swimming is a fantastic way to stay fit and healthy.

Most people are advised to wait until six weeks after their stoma surgery before swimming again but do check with your consultant or stoma nurse before starting. To prevent infection, it is important that any wounds are dry and intact before swimming.

If you want to dip your toe in the water, our top tips will help you feel as confident as possible in the sea or the pool.

Preparing for your swim

Check your urostomy bag for any signs of damage or wear and tear and replace it if necessary.

Test that your bag is secure. Rest assured that your bag is unlikely to come loose in the water. It’s easy to prove this to yourself by lying in a full bathtub for a while to test and ensure that the seal stays snug and leak-free.

Make sure to empty your bag before you go swimming. An empty bag is flatter and therefore more discreet under your swimsuit. It may also prevent interrupting your swim to get out and empty your bag later, and reduce the chance of a leak, putting your mind at rest.

Wear what makes you feel the most comfortable. Swimming with a urostomy should feel good, whatever you choose to wear in the water. See ‘swimwear options’ (below).

It’s natural to worry that others will notice your stoma and stare, but the truth is that most people will not even notice the colour of your swimsuit, let alone what is underneath it. If you’re concerned about changing in front of people, try to find a swimming pool that has private changing rooms. Alternatively, you could use the disabled facilities, if they are available. These often include a toilet as well as providing a larger space for changing, or you can change at home and wear clothes over your swimsuit.

When you get out of the water your stoma bag is going to be really wet, but it should maintain its seal. It’s a good idea to towel dry it or change it if you can.

Swimwear options

When going for a swim, some urostomates are happy to let their bag show rather than keeping it covered, but everyone is different so it’s a case of what makes you feel most at ease.

For women seeking discretion, there are swimsuits and tankinis with high-waisted shorts.  Opting for a swimsuit with a pattern rather than a plain colour might also help, as the patterns can divert attention and prevent the outline of the bag from being noticeable. Some women choose to wear a sarong or beach wrap over their swimsuit.

An option for men is to wear Lycra cycling shorts underneath swimming trunks. They come up a bit higher than trunks and secure the bag nice and tightly.

There are companies who supply swimwear specially designed for ostomates. See our ‘Directory of suppliers’ leaflet, search ‘ostomy swimwear’ online or talk to your stoma nurse, who will be able to advise you.

It may feel strange the first time you go swimming with a urostomy bag. However, once you take the plunge, you’ll soon see that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about.

Enjoy your swim!