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Managing urinary tract infections (UTIs)

This is recording of the webinar held on 22 May 2024 by the Urostomy Association. Speakers include:

Mary Garthwaite – Mary is Chairman of the Urology Foundation and was formerly a Consultant Urological Surgeon. Having gained a PhD in the Molecular Biology of the Bladder in Health and Disease she developed a career long interest and specialist expertise in the management of benign, chronic disorders of the bladder, including male and female incontinence, bladder pain syndrome (BPS) and urinary tract infection. She served on the committee of the British Association of Urologists Section of Female, Functional, Neurological and Urodynamic Urology until stepping back from clinical urology in 2019.

Helen Lake – Helen has been a Urology Specialist Nurse for over 30 years, and a former Urology ward sister,  She specialised in urology stoma care and bladder reconstructive surgery at Newcastle’s Freeman Hospital and worked alongside Eileen Spraggon. She had a stint as Nurse Advisor for the UA magazine in 2006. She has developed a particular interest in bladder dysfunction and UTIs and is currently UTI Information Nurse for The Urology Foundation.

Helen Woolley – Helen has been retired for 15 years. Previously she worked in special needs education and as a careers officer. She had her urostomy in August 2006 as a result of radiation damage to her bladder. She found the Cambridge branch of the Urostomy Association a little later and she became increasingly involved. Helen became the Branch Secretary, a role she enjoyed for 10 years, as it gave her the opportunity to help and support others with a urostomy. She remains an active branch member and UA volunteer.