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UA Voices: have your say

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to have your say in how the Urostomy Association (UA) is run and what we do to provide information, support and guidance as well as improve and increase our profile and presence.

That’s why we’re inviting you to join UA Voices so that you can make sure your voice is heard. This is an exciting opportunity to help shape the future of our charity and contribute to making us even better for everyone who needs us.

People chatting around a laptop

UA Voices will comprise 25 members. If more than 25 people apply, UA supporters will be invited to vote for their preferred candidates. This means that your name and answers to the questions on the application form (but not your contact details) will be circulated to supporters in order that they may vote.

Initially, meetings will usually take place online in the early evenings to make it as straightforward as possible for members to participate.

How to join

If you would like to apply to join UA Voices, please complete and sign the application form. The deadline for submitting your completed application is 31 January 2024.

If you would like more information on the role and purpose of UA Voices before you apply, please contact Brian Fretwell at

We really hope you will consider being part of this new and exciting initiative, which will help make a real difference to the future of our charity.

    Please read and then sign the declaration below.