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Reducing leaks top tips

Leakage can be a common concern for urostomates, so supporters of the Urostomy Association have kindly drawn on their own experiences to develop these top tips.

If you’ve any top tips of your own, do let us know and we can share them here with other urostomates.

    • “One of the main ways to avoid leakage for me it to remember ‘patience in the change – what’s the rush’? I link this with regular adhesion checks throughout the day, more so if I’m engaged in any physical activity.” – Graham
    • “More haste, less speed.” – Mary
    • “When doing a bag change, do it first thing in the morning. Remove your old bag in the shower using removal spray. Never pull the bag off as this could tear or damage your skin. Ensure that you remove all the glue. Use dry wipes to protect your stoma or urostomy and make sure the area is perfectly dry. I use barrier wipes at this point but others may have other methods. Then allow the area to dry for a minute before applying your new bag.” – Elaine
    • “I would advise shaving around the stoma area if necessary. So much easier to clean and I get a good barrier seal.” – Gillian
    • “After 23 years and umpteen different ‘fixes’ the only thing that works for me are brava strips banana shaped tape. Brilliant.” – Pat
    • “If you have hand mobility or visual problems, while fitting, then the No cut Moldable Convatec 2 piece might be worth trying.” – Gillian
    • “Never allow your bag to become too full and heavy as this can cause leaks and, one last thing, some fizzy wines can cause a reaction with the glue holding your bag in place causing leaks. I found that out on one of my holibobs.” – Elaine

    A huge thank you to members of our ‘Urostomy Association Help and Support‘ Facebook group for these suggestions. These ideas are representative of each person’s experiences, and are unique and individual to them. Please note that inclusion in this list does not constitute recommendation by the Urostomy Association. Please remember to ask your own stoma specialist if you have any questions or concerns about your own urinary diversion.