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200+ Club prize draw

Your 200+ Club ticket can do great things!

Did you know that together, 200+ Club prize draw subscribers raise more than £3,000 a year to help the Urostomy Association continue its trusted support? That’s incredible! By playing, you can do great things!

Here’s how it works

Tickets start at £2 a month and every single entry helps us raise vital funds, and you could scoop a cash prize of up to £250.

Simply choose how many tickets per month you would like to play, and whether you’d like to make your payment monthly or annually.

To enter, complete the form below, and we’ll let you know your ticket numbers within one working week.

The difference you’ll make

By playing our 200+ Club, you are doing great things! Support like yours enables us to run our helpline and support urostomates through our regular magazine, e-newsletters, group meetings, social media, webinars and fact sheets. Thanks to donors like you, we can support the work of stoma staff, increase awareness across healthcare and the general public, and influence urostomy policy and practice.

We could not support members of our community to live their best life before and after surgery, without the generous support of caring people like you. 

We hope you will take great pride in the important difference your support will make.

* If you’d rather pay by cheque or standing order, please contact the office.