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One to one support

Having a urinary diversion can be daunting, but our trained volunteers can provide reassuring, confidential one to one support, by telephone, face-to-face or through our branches and groups. All our volunteers are urostomates themselves, or family members, so can understand your concerns.

To be put in touch with a volunteer do contact us by phoning our helpline on 01223 910854, or via this contact us link.

We also host a private Facebook Group – Urostomy Association Help and Support Group – a safe space for you to get to know and learn from others who are facing similar situations, or have done so in the past.

“Thank you for putting me in touch with your volunteer, Margaret. I had a lovely chat with her this afternoon and she was able to offer great advice and tips on making travel a bit less of a worry.”

Amanda, Urostomy Association supporter