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Facebook group

Why not join our Urostomy Association Help and Support Group? It is a supportive community for people living with a urinary diversion or preparing for their surgery, wherever they are in the world. Your family members and carers may also find it helpful.

There are over 1,600 group members who know what you’re going through. The group is ‘closed’ meaning that only other members can see what you post. You’d be warmly welcomed!

“The UA’s Facebook group is really good. I’ve personally not had to ask a single question because, any question I’ve got, someone’s already asked it! If I’ve got a question, I just type the key words into the search bar. You name it, somebody’s already asked it! They’re the real-life stories of people living it. Some people can be wary about joining Facebook groups so, if you’re quite shy, you don’t have to introduce yourself, just search for the advice you need. And you can get involved if you want to. It’s absolutely amazing.”

Cathy, Urostomy Association supporter