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Could you be our new Treasurer?

Are you as good with figures as you are with people, and keen to make a difference as a volunteer? Are you experienced in financial management, analysis and reporting, and care about people adapting to life with a urinary diversion? If so, you could be the Treasurer we’re seeking to join our friendly, dedicated Board of Trustees.

This is an exciting time of growth for the Urostomy Association as we develop our charity’s services for people facing a urinary diversion or recovering after their operation. As well as contributing to the overall strategy for our organisation, our Treasurer will provide the robust financial management we need to thrive for everyone who needs us now and in the future.

This is a remote position, and is likely to involve a commitment of three or four hours a month. Find out more…

Role description

In addition to the general responsibilities of a trustee, duties of the National Treasurer include the following:

a) Financial management, analysis and reporting

  • Overseeing, approving and presenting budgets, accounts and financial statements
  • Being assured that the financial resources of the organisation meet its present and future needs
  • Ensuring that the charity has an appropriate reserves policy
  • Supporting the charity’s financial risk-management process
  • Preparing and presenting financial reports to the board
  • Liaising with paid staff and volunteers about financial matters
  • Making a formal presentation of the accounts at the annual general meeting and drawing attention to important points in an easily understandable way

b) Regulatory compliance and standards

  • Ensuring that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place
  • Monitoring the organisation’s investment activity and ensuring it is consistent with the organisation’s policies and legal responsibilities
  • Ensuring that there is no conflict between any investment held and the aims of the charity
  • Ensuring that the accounts are prepared and disclosed in the form required by funders and the relevant statutory bodies, for example the Charity Commission and/or the Registrar of Companies
  • If external scrutiny of accounts is required, ensuring that the accounts are scrutinised in the manner required (independent examination or audit) and any recommendations are implemented
  • Keeping the Trustees informed about their financial duties and responsibilities

c) Input into Urostomy Association strategy

  • Advising on the financial implications of the organisation’s strategic plans
  • Contributing to the fundraising strategy of the organisation
  • Ensuring that the charity has an appropriate investment policy

Person specification

In addition to the person specification for a trustee, the Treasurer should have the following qualities:

  • Qualified accountant with relevant financial expertise and experience to oversee the UA’s finances, fundraising and pension schemes
  • The skills to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences
  • Being prepared to make unpopular recommendations to the board
  • A willingness to be available to staff for advice and enquiries on an ad hoc basis
  • Ability to communicate and explain financial information to members clearly and simply
  • Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship, and the Treasurer role in particular

Interested to know more?

For an initial conversation, contact our Chairman, Brian Fretwell, on

Deadline: Monday 13 May