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Introducing our Transformation Director – Samantha Sherratt

Following our rigorous recruitment process to find the person who will lead the Association into its exciting next chapter, we are delighted to welcome Samantha Sherratt as UA’s Transformation Director.

Samantha, who lives in Cambridge, joined the team on 6 November. She brings with her a wealth of experience from a long career spent predominantly in the voluntary sector, during which time she has held senior management positions in small charities as well as in much larger organisations. Most recently, Samantha has been Interim CEO of Raise, the West Hertfordshire Hospitals Charity, where she worked with trustees to devise and implement a new transformation programme, putting in place the foundations needed for Raise’s growth.

Previous employers also include education charity Red Balloon, where Samantha was Director of Fundraising and Communications, and Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust, where – as Head of Supporter Engagement – she oversaw its individual giving programme, managing a team that, in her last year, secured £2.7million to support innovation in patient care across Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Brian Fretwell, UA’s Chair of Trustees, said. “During our recruitment process Samantha shone out amongst a very strong field. Not only does she have the charity leadership and transformation experience the Association needs to take us forward, she has very clear empathy for those we support. Her passion for driving forward positive change that helps improve people’s quality of life comes across very strongly, as does her business acumen.

“My fellow trustees and I are looking forward to working with Samantha, building on what the Association has already achieved with Hazel Pixley as CEO so that our organisation, and the community we support, go from strength to strength.”

Samantha said: “I’m delighted to be joining UA, working closely with the Board to lead the charity towards its exciting vision.

“When I read the job advertisement the role felt very ‘me’, and in doing further research I was struck by the solid history of the Association and its obvious warmth and care for its members. Similarly, members are clearly very supportive of each other. While I do not have lived experience of a urinary diversion, having a family history of bowel conditions means I know how important it is to find a source of support that speaks your language without embarrassment.

“Thanks to Hazel and the Board’s obvious dedication and hard work, UA has strong foundations. I am very much looking forward to getting to know members to find out more about what matters most to them, their families and the professionals who support them.”

A message from our Chair of Trustees and National President