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Hospital Saturday Fund supports Help Provide Hope project

Being told that you will never wee normally again is terrifying. Most people have never heard of a urostomy or urinary diversion, and cannot imagine life without a functioning bladder. So we’re delighted to have received £9,475 from the Hospital Saturday Fund toward our Help Provide Hope project. The project is enabling us to expand the peer-reviewed resources we have available, one-to-one, online and in more traditional formats.

Samantha Sherratt, Transformation Director, pictured here with Pauline Jones, the Company Secretary for The Hospital Saturday Fund, said:

“An estimated 1,200 patients receive a urinary diversion each year, and roughly 12,000 people live with a urostomy in the UK. This number is relatively small compared to colostomies and ileostomies, and consequently patients can feel alone and unsure of where to turn for help.

This Hospital Saturday Fund grant toward our Help Provide Hope project will help break down that isolation. This grant will enable anxious patients to access a greater blend of support, which they can source at a time and in a way which suits them best. It will fund webinars, blogs from inspiring urostomates and professionals, leaflets, our buddying service and support via our Facebook group.”

“We would like to say a huge thank you to the Hospital Saturday Fund trustees for their enthusiasm for this project, and for important difference their grant will make.”

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