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Getting fundraising fit

As a charity, it’s essential that we fundraise not only ethically but engagingly to secure the donations, grants, legacies and other support we need to sustain our service for everyone who needs us.

To help the Association survive and thrive, we have welcomed fundraising specialist Rachel Shepherd to our team. Working with us on a part-time, freelance basis for the next few months, Rachel is honing our fundraising strategy and putting the foundations in place to give our charity the best possible chance of securing vital funds.

Rachel, who lives in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, said: “Throughout my career, I have been involved in all sorts of projects, from raising money to restore an historic windmill to creating a Cultural Action Zone for a local authority. I find each fundraising project is unique, creative and most of all fun! Working with the Association, my role is to review all its current fundraising methods and channels, tweaking where necessary and introducing new approaches, fundraising plans and tools that will support the future growth of the charity.

“Thanks to its members and the fundraising that has taken place over the years, the Association has a great foundation from which to build for success so that everyone in the UK with a urostomy feels well informed and supported to get the most from life.

“Please look out for fundraising updates in forthcoming newsletters, as well as in the Journal and on our website, and do get in touch with me at if you have any ideas you’d like to share with us.”