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Boys need bins – campaign update

Our Boys need Bins campaign continues to go from strength to strength, supporting men who are incontinent to get access to sanitary bins in both work and public toilets.

We joined forces with Prostate Cancer UK (PCUK), other national bodies and the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Bladder and Bowel Continence Care to get the government to make it law to have bins in all male toilets nationally. It’s simply not good enough that men have to use a disabled toilet to access a sanitary bin. Men have told the campaign that they feel embarrassed about this and don’t consider themselves to be disabled.

Our goal is to make male sanitary bins available in men’s toilets across the UK. This way, men can dispose of their sanitary waste easily, safely and with the dignity they deserve.

There have been some wins so far, thanks to amazing supporters and volunteers:

  • Donna Watson, one of our volunteers in Belfast, has spoken to the two airports there and they are going to put bins in the male toilets.
  • Over 20 councils across England, Scotland and Wales are now making changes so that men can access bins in public toilets.
  • Campaigners have been facilitating the implementation of bins in their local businesses and organisations. Campaigner, Kevin Buschhold, who used to work at Deusche Bank in London, brought the issue to their attention. They have now installed bins in their men’s toilets thanks to his advocacy.
  • Susan Childs, a PCUK supporter, played a huge part in Wetherspoons installing bins into all their pubs nationwide
  • Campaigner, Jonathan Hall, has been busy supporting phs and their campaign to bring in bins nationally.
  • Carey Gibbs, Samuel Nelson and Michael Bolton talked about their experiences of incontinence in a national TENA video. It’s had over 1,300 views so far.

Support the campaign by sending the ‘Lifting the Lid on Male Incontinence‘ report to your MP or your local councillor and ask them to join the movement. You can also visit PCUK’s ‘Get Involved‘ campaign pages. We’d be happy to support your efforts; so do keep us posted!