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Bags, bags, bags: A unique resource for children and families

We’re excited that ‘Bags, bags, bags’, our unique children’s book explaining urostomies to under-7s in language they’ll understand, is here!

Full of colour illustrations by talented artist Lynda Nelson, it’s part of our charity’s drive to raise awareness and create better understanding for people with a urinary diversion, wherever they are on their journey. Designed to spark conversations with young children so they grow up knowing that it’s fine to talk openly about weeing differently, it’s all about making a positive difference for our community.

UA’s Chair, Brain Fretwell, said: “It’s part of our charity’s mission to challenge the stigma that still exists around urinary diversions and living with a bag, so what better place to start than by reaching young minds? The concept behind ‘Bags, bags, bags’ has been so well received by our members, sponsors and healthcare professionals and now we’re excited we can share the finished book with you all.

“A huge thank-you to everyone who has supported our innovative project, from those who kindly made a donation towards our costs or gave us feedback to our big-hearted corporate sponsors Hollister, Coloplast, Dansac, Salts Healthcare and Fittleworth – we couldn’t have done it without you!”

Download your free copy of ‘Bags, bags, bags’ or email us to order the printed version. Please note, to cover our charity’s costs for postage and packing, a donation of whatever you can afford will be appreciated if you’d like a print copy.