What is your role at the charity?
I am the Transformation Director. As well as being responsible for the day-to-day running of our charity, I am working with the Committee and supporters to review and extend our services so people facing a urinary diversion and those who have already had the operation, have the information and support they need.
How and why did you get involved with the charity?
I have worked in the voluntary sector for almost my entire career and have a passion, in particular, for health charities. What I love about the Urostomy Association is its solid history and its obvious warmth and care for its members. Similarly, members are clearly very supportive of each other.
What is your role at the charity?
I was elected as Chair of the Board in 2014. It is my role to chair our meetings.
How and why did you get involved with the charity?
I had my bladder removed after a diagnosis of bladder cancer in March 2011. I found the Urostomy Association, particularly the Journal magazine and the peer support, invaluable when I was first diagnosed. Once I had retired, I joined the NEC in 2013. My 41-year career gave me extensive experience in the private and public sectors, including the NHS. I aim to use those skills in support of the charity.

What is your role at the charity?
I am a member of the Trustee Board and am the Trustee Safeguarding lead.
How and why did you get involved with the charity?
With over twenty years spent working in the charity sector in developing and overseeing services and keeping them relevant and safe to users, I am able to bring a wealth of experience to the Urostomy Association, particularly in connection to safeguarding. With the majority of our beneficiaries experiencing bladder cancer; which has then led to a urostomy, I felt a connection to the charity as two of my closest relatives either had or are undergoing treatment for bladder cancer.
The other members of the Trustee Board are:
William Burden
Julie Varley
Derek Rosario
Liz Ogilvie
Guy Eccles