Loneliness is one of those subjects nobody ever really likes to talk about, yet it can affect any one of us regardless of our age, background or living arrangements. That’s why it’s the focus of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 (9 – 15 May) campaign run by the Mental Health Foundation.
Whether you’re struggling with loneliness yourself or know someone who could be, you might find it helpful to visit Every Mind Matters loneliness for support and advice on dealing with loneliness.
There’s also a short Mind Plan Quiz you can complete to get a free personalised health plan with practical tips to help you deal with stress, anxiety, low mood and trouble with sleeping, plus advice on how to cope with feelings of loneliness.
Of course, if the root of any loneliness you might be experiencing is because you are feeling on your own in living with a urostomy, you can talk to us at the Association on 01386 430140. If you’d like us to, we can also put you in touch with one of our friendly, trained volunteers who has first-hand experience of living with a urostomy, too.